榴莲视频在线观看污的安 全接地是保障操作人员人身安 全和设备可靠工作的必要前提,设备管理人员必 须保证榴莲视频在线观看污的安 全接地。保障榴莲视频在线观看污安 全接地的措施主要分为工作接地、保护接地和保护接零三大类,下面济柴榴莲视频IOS污讲解一下具体内容:
The safe grounding of generator set is a necessary prerequisite to ensure the personal safety of operators and the reliable operation of equipment, and the equipment management personnel must ensure the safe grounding of generator set. The measures to ensure the safe grounding of generator set are mainly divided into three categories: working grounding, protective grounding and protective zero grounding. Jichaihuan can explain the specific contents below:
1、 Working grounding
(1) Reduce the electric shock voltage. For the system with ungrounded neutral point, when one phase is grounded and the human body touches one of the other two phases, the electric shock voltage is more than 1.7 times of the phase voltage; For the neutral grounding system, the electric shock voltage drops to close to or equal to the phase voltage.

(2)迅速切断故障设备。对于中性点不接地的系统,当一相接地时,由于导线和地面存在电容和绝缘电阻,可以构成电流通路,接地电流很小,不足以使保护装置动作而切断电源,不能确保人身安 全。而对于中性点接地的系统,当一相接地后接地电流较大,保护装置会迅速动作,断开故障点。
(2) Quickly cut off the faulty equipment. For the system with ungrounded neutral point, when one phase is grounded, due to the capacitance and insulation resistance between the conductor and the ground, it can form a current path. The grounding current is very small, which is not enough to make the protective device act and cut off the power supply, and can not ensure personal safety. For the neutral grounded system, when one phase is grounded, the grounding current is large, and the protection device will act quickly to disconnect the fault point.
(3) Reduce the insulation level of electrical equipment to ground. In a neutral ungrounded system, when one phase is grounded, the ground voltage of the other two phases will rise to the line voltage. For the neutral grounded system, when one phase is grounded, the ground voltage of the other two phases is only close to the phase voltage, so the insulation level of electrical equipment and transmission line can be reduced.
2、 Protective grounding protective grounding is commonly used in the low-voltage system with ungrounded neutral point. Its function is: when the insulation structure of a winding of the motor has been damaged and the shell is charged, if it is not grounded, the human body touches the shell, which is equivalent to single-phase electric shock, there may be the risk of electric shock. If protective grounding is adopted, when the human body touches the shell, due to the resistance of the human body in parallel with the grounding resistance, due to the resistance of the human body; Far greater than the grounding resistance, the current passing through the human body is very small, and there will be no danger of electric shock.
3、 Protective neutral connection protective neutral connection is often used in low-voltage systems with neutral grounding. Its function is: when the insulation structure of a winding of the motor has been damaged and connected with the shell, due to the use of protective neutral connection, a single-phase short circuit will be formed. Quickly fuse the fuse in this phase, and the shell will no longer be charged. Even when the human body touches the shell before the fuse is blown, the current passing through the human body is very small because the human body resistance is much greater than the line resistance, so there will be no danger of electric shock.
In addition, it should be noted that the specific situation should be considered for the zero line grounding of the generator. First, it is necessary to confirm whether the transformer has leakage protection. Generally, the imported generator set is zero ground in one, and it should be removed when it is used, otherwise the transformer may jump under the condition of leakage protection. The ground wire of domestic generator sets is usually grounded separately on the site, and the zero wire is connected with the zero wire of municipal power supply. The phase line (three-phase line) shall use a special switch to interlock the mains power and power generation, so as to prevent the mains power from being added to the generator set.