For gas generator sets, only 30% - 35% of the energy generated by gas is converted into electric energy, about 30% - 35% is discharged with high-temperature tail gas, about 20% - 25% is taken away by the engine's own cooling system, and about 10% is consumed by other losses such as body heat dissipation and resistance. The waste heat utilization of gas generator unit is to recover the high-temperature tail gas discharged by the unit and the heat taken away by the cooling system through special equipment, and then transport it to the workshop or residential area requiring heat source.
According to the different heat sources required by each enterprise, there are three ways of waste heat recovery: air replacing waste heat, demineralized water replacing waste heat to produce hot water and demineralized water replacing waste heat to produce steam. The main uses of waste heat recovery are as follows:

(1) Coal mine roadway warm-up shaft (air shaft heating air): in northern winter, coal mine air shaft roadway needs hot-air stove warm-up shaft. The high-temperature tail gas generated by the low concentration gas generator unit passes through the heat pipe air preheater and heats the cold air. The high-temperature hot air can be obtained. The hot air after heat exchange through the heat pipe air preheater at the flue and air shaft is sent to the air shaft, so as to reduce the heat output of the underground hot blast stove and save electric energy.
(2) Heat source for drying, heating and bathing:
The drying, heating and bathing in the production process of the enterprise need heat source all the year round. A heat pipe heat exchanger (heat pipe economizer) is installed at the flue outlet of the generator set, and several low-temperature water is sent to the heat pipe heat exchanger through the hot water circulating pump. The softened water after heat exchange is supplied to the enterprise for production and use as a heat source (above 90 ℃), and the cooled softened water is returned to the heat pipe heat exchanger for reciprocating circulation.
(3) Waste heat refrigeration: lithium bromide absorption refrigeration is widely used at present. Heat pipe evaporator is used to absorb the heat recovered from waste heat of low concentration gas generator set.
(4) Waste heat power generation: through the waste heat recovery of tail gas of multiple gas generator units, install heat pipe evaporator, generate saturated steam and drag the steam turbine unit back for secondary power generation. The condensate after power generation can also be cooled or heated, bringing considerable economic benefits to the enterprise.